Saturday, February 1, 2014

and in this corner

weighing in at 3 pounds 4 ounces.....yes, that is her current weight.  Mike and I were both hoping she would reach 4 pounds, but when we met with the doctor she seemed very happy with the 8 ounce weight gain.

All appointments this week were good with no changes.  Her movement through both NST were fantastic and she continues to be very active.  The growth ultrasound looked good and there were no major issues, aside from her slow growth (but we knew that going in).  The Doppler's continue to show blood flow has not changed.  My blood pressure was down and my weight has remained the same as well. I think last week was just a fluke as I was nervous about the blood flow and how that would impact the pregnancy.  Since the results from the previous week were good, I think I was way more relaxed at this appointment.

We met with Dr. Kay and she stated the doctors will be meeting Wednesday to discuss our case and the best options for us.  With the slow growth, we will likely deliver around 37 weeks and because she is so little they do not think she will be able to handle natural birth so we'll be scheduled for a c-section.  We will continue the Doppler's to ensure blood flow does not get worse.  February 16th is 37 weeks, so we think we'll be scheduled within that week.

We really hope in the next two weeks she can add a pound, we just want her to be as strong as possible.  Prayers for growth and strength for our girl would be very appreciated.

When we met with Dr. Ilbawi we asked what would happen if we delivered early.  Since she will be too small and most likely too weak, he would perform a Hybrid procedure.  This procedure involves stenting of the patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) and banding the blood vessels to the lungs (pulmonary arteries).  This would stay in place until she is strong enough to have the Norwood.

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