Sunday, November 2, 2014

Cardiac Cath

We have held a lot of roles since Lucy arrived in February and on Friday we assumed a new role,  tooth fairy.  On Friday morning we noticed a tooth popping through her lower gum.  This along with the vaccination on Thursday afternoon made for a slightly crazy evening.  Sunday morning we noticed a second tooth coming through as well.

This past week was good.  Lucy has taken to sitting and can barely stand to sit in her bouncy chair.  It reclines too much (or so I think).  The best part of sitting is it has helped with throwing up.  After daily throw-ups for over three months, we have had four days free and clear.  We also saw the speech therapist and she impressed with how well Lucy was sitting.  We tried some puree foods and did very well.  We continue to try different types of foods to see if we can improve, but progress will be slow.  We are still working on tummy time as well to get her arms and neck stronger, but she has learned to roll over from tummy to back.  The only way we can get Lucy to stay on her stomach for any length of time is with the cat chasing the red pointer right in front of her.  She is mesmerized by the cat and will search for Mully any time she is awake.

Tomorrow morning we are headed back to the hospital for our forth admittance. This one at least was planned. We were able to schedule her cardiac catherization as the first case. The cardiologist (the same one that did her hybrid) will balloon her pulmonary arteries. They keep her overnight for observation as Lucy will be under anesthesia for the procedure. She should be discharged Tuesday morning if everything goes according to plan.  We will see what this means for her oxygen support.

We will update later this week, but ask for prayers for a successful procedure and a good night's rest for Mike and I.

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