I had the follow-up meeting with the school district about Lucy's evaluation. When I walked in, there was a look of disappointment across the group of therapists.......because they had wanted me to bring Lucy. Never did a look of disappointment feel so good. All of the therapists wanted a little more time to hang with Lucy. It speaks volumes to her personality. The results were very good. She tested at age appropriate skills, with some emerging skills at 42+ months. Needless to say, she did not qualify for any services.
We started off the month by celebrating heart month and bringing awareness to Congenital Heart Defects by wearing red.
We finished off her birthday with a visit to the bounce house at the mall, cupcakes and presents. Connor even got in on the fun. And in full disclosure, I was more excited about her Molly backpack (bubble guppies character) than she was. She liked the coin purse that was inside much better.
We ended the week with a small pizza party with family.
Lucy brought new meaning to the song......It's my party and I'll cry if I want to!
Apparently when more than 3 people sing happy birthday it is just too much!
This last week is a big week for us. We attended our last Cardiac Neurodevelopmental Clinic. We got a great report card. Keep in mind we stopped all therapies in September, so all progress was made on her own (working with my parents, teachers and us). Gross motor she tested at 23 months in August, that is over 12 months of progress in 6 months. Language (both receptive and expressive) shows 48+, the + means that the time allotted for evaluation was not enough to test her full range. We made it up to 48 months testing questions and had to stop, so who knows how much further she could have gone. It's exciting to see her grow so much without scheduled therapy sessions.
We will end the week with Lucy's pre Fontan heart catherization. We will get to the hospital bright and early Friday morning as she is first case. They will take a better look at her lungs and heart to see when surgery is needed (if she is a candidate). We will need to stay in recovery for at least six hours and there is a possibility of an overnight. Wish us luck that there are no surprises and the procedure goes as expected. We'll update as soon as we get the results.